Machine Monitoring / Condition Management Systems
Over 17+ years of experience with MMS (Machine Monitoring Systems) EN-KON is the country leader in Turkey. If you want a turn-key or partial solution/want to install yourself? Let us do the testing and commissioning? The choise is yours.
A worldwide presence, competence and service with engineers who speak both your language and the language of your discipline, make EN-KON is an ideal partner for your projects. And apart from proven technical solutions, you can rely on us for intensive training and excellent service. Trust us not to leave you with your systems alone.
Features of Sensors
- Comply with the most relevant international standarts
- Changeable during operation
- Contactless measurement, wherever possible
- Highly Standardised program avoids costly spares
- Standard versions reduce storekeeping and availability
- Marginal interchange errors
- User friendly design
- Ressistant against chemicals
- Oil ressistant
- Wide Range of accessories available
- Special Versions on request.